These are the references that I had received from Michael Scroggie on 
"sensitivity analysis" (in one sense of the term).

Hope some of you find this helpful.


>X-Lotus-FromDomain: NRE
>Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 09:44:44 +1000
>Subject: Sensitivity analysis (usenet post)
>From: Michael Scroggie@NRE on 01/02/2002 09:44 AM
>Subject:  Sensitivity analysis (usenet post)
>you colleague might like to check out the following references:
>Caswell,  H.  (1978). A general formula for the sensitivity of population 
>rate  to  changes in life history parameters. Theoretical Population 
>Biology 14:
>Caswell,   H.   (1989).   Matrix   population   models.   Sinauer, 
>Massachusetts, USA.
>de  Kroon,  H.,  Plaisier,  A.,  van  Groenendael,  J.  &  Caswell,  H. 
>Elasticity:  the  relative  contribution of demographic parameters to 
>growth rate, Ecology 67: 1427-1431.
>Stearns, S.C. (1992). The evolution of life histories.  Oxford University 
>New York.
>van  Groenendael,  J., de Kroon, J. & Caswell, H. (1988). Projection 
>matrices in
>population biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 3: 264-269.
>van  Tienderen,  P.H.  (2000). Elasticities and the link between 
>demographic and
>evolutionary dynamics. Ecology 81: 666-679.
>Also,  there  is  a  freely available excel add-in package (Poptools) 
>which does
>sensitivity analysis. It is available for download from:
>Hope this info is relevant/useful,
>Michael Scroggie
>Fauna Ecology Research
>Arthur Rylah Institute
>123 Brown Street              Phone +61 3 9450 8709
>HEIDELBERG  VICTORIA  3084         Fax       +61 3 94508799
>AUSTRALIA                email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Christopher J. Mecklin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071
Phone: 270 762-5437
Fax: 270 762-2314

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