MAA PREP Workshop in Statistics for Summer 2002

An Introduction to Statistical Methods Based on Regression

Dates:  June 2 through 7, 2002

Location:  Oberlin College

Richard L. Scheaffer
Department of Statistics
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: 352-378-1996
Fax: 352-392-5175

Jeffrey A. Witmer 
Mathematics Department
Oberlin College 
King Bldg 205 
Oberlin, OH 44074-1019 
Phone: (440) 775-8381 
Fax: (440) 775-6638 

Regression, in its many facets, is probably the most widely use statistical
methodology in existence.  It is the basis of modeling, whether the modeling
is directed toward searching for associations among variables in observational
studies or establishing treatment differences in designed experiments. The
workshop will cover the data analytic techniques appropriate to modern use of
regression analysis, as well as the inferential procedures most widely used
with this methodology.  Beginning with establishing principles and concepts
through simple linear regression, the course will build to discussions of
multiple regression, including models involving categorical response
variables.  Regression is an appropriate topic to serve as the basis of a
second course in statistics, for those who have taken or taught an
introductory course.  It need not be calculus based but does rely heavily on
statistical software. 

Outline of workshop content

Regression basics
        Simple linear regression and correlation
        Multiple regression
        Regression diagnostics (residuals, influence, leverage)
Partial correlation
        Inference for regression coefficients, individually and in subsets
        Model selection 
Logistic regression
Analysis of variance models
        Completely randomized design
        Randomized block design
        Repeated measures design
        Factorial treatment arrangements
Sample survey design and analysis
        Ratio and regression estimators

Main reference text for the course:
Ramsey, F. and Schafer, D. (2002). "The Statistical Sleuth," 2nd ed. Belemont,
CA: Duxbury Press.

Regression software will be demonstrated and used by participants.  Many
illustrative statistics applets and data sets from various sources on the web
will be introduced, including those referenced on the American Statistical
Association’s electronic Journal of Statistics Education.  Participants will
have access to computers running standard statistical software and will have
access to the web.

Instructional Format:
Believing in active learning, the presenters will provide many opportunities
for participants to engage in hands-on activities, both with and without the
aid of technology, during the workshop.  A reading list will be supplied to
the participant in advance of the workshop, and time will be devoted to
discussions of this material.  Although the emphasis will be on content, there
will be opportunities for demonstrating and discussing various pedagogical
approaches to teaching regression analysis.   

Room and board are provided for all participants through a grant from NSF. 
Participants must fund their own transportation to and from Oberlin.

Applying for Participation:
        Applications must be made through MAA at
        Applications should be sent in by March 31, 2002.

* Richard L. Scheaffer                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   
* Department of Statistics              phone 352-392-1941 (#224)               
* Box 118545                                            fax     352-392-5175           
* University of Florida                                                 
* Gainesville, FL 32611                                                 
* 907 NW 21 Terrace                             352-378-1996                    
* Gainesville, FL  32603                                                

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