At 08:18 AM 2/26/02 -0800, Jay Tanzman wrote:
> > >
> > > Not stressful 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ Very stressful

these contain more information than simply ordinality ... they give you 
some indication of amount of stress too

differentiate this sort of item and response from:

rank order your preferences for the following foods:

steak ___ ... 1
veal ____ ... 2
chicken ____ ... 4
fish ____ ... 5
pork ____ ... 3

and, assume it says to put 1 for the top 1 ... and 5 for the low one

so, i do as above

both CAN be thought of as ordering scales ... but, there is definitely MORE 
information in the not stressful to very stressful item and responses

the end points of the 1 to 7 scale DO have meaning ... in terms of ABSOLUTE 
that is not so for the food orderings ... can we infer that i don't like 
fish since i ranked it 5 and DO like steak since i ranked it one??? NOT 

there is a fundamental difference in the information you can extract from 
each of the examples above

i see nothing inherently wrong with finding means on items like the stress 
item ... since means close to 1 or 7 ... do have some underlying referent 
to quantity of stress ... one cannot say that about the food preferences in 
terms of some underlying absolute liking or disliking of the foods

Dennis Roberts, 208 Cedar Bldg., University Park PA 16802
AC 8148632401

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