
Thank you very much for your advises.

I would want to play a little with Software for Flexible Bayesian
Modeling by Radford M. Neal. But information supplied by documentation
that goes with this doesn't make me clear some concepts related to
priors mentioned in the documentation itself. Due it, neither I can
completely understand samples of priors nor code my own ones. 

I asked you for Radford Neal thesis in my last message because the
software documentation mentions that appendix A of it treats this
question in depth. So at first, I think that it can help me.  
I'm learning about Bayesian modeling on one's own initiative, this is
not academic one, so my student budget doesn't allow me to buy a whole
book from an USA or UK bookstore. Neither I have found out this book
at public libraries.

As you have suggested me, next I'm going to ask to thesis author for
appendix A. 

My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please remove the
"REMOVETHIS" string from the email address to get my real one. It's an
anty-spam measure. I apologise for any inconvenience that it causes to

Thank you very much and best regards,


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