> From: Maria Droujkova 
> Geogebra was created specifically for the type of projects I want to run. It
> is easy enough to start, for kids. I find its specialization to be a
> limiting factor, though - it would be nice if kids saw the environment's
> potential beyond math.
> With Python, I have more questions than answers, because I am just starting
> to learn it. Do you think it will work for my purpose? Do I need to get a
> real programmer involved, or can I learn enough Python in a few months to
> help kids well enough, without being a specialist? What questions do I not
> know to ask?
> I would appreciate any pointers.

You speak about the "the type of projects you want to run". What are those? 
Maybe with that information the pointers could be more specific.

Do you want to publish your projects online? I think a good question is: how to 
do that with python.


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