On Friday, January 20, 2017, kirby urner <kirby.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings from Silicon Forest to this mostly-quiet list. Perhaps listservs
> in general have been overtaken in many cases, by technology with a higher
> bling factor.

https://medium.com/tag/edtech https://medium.com/tag/python

https://hypothes.is/ (highlighting & threaded comments w/ Markdown on
anything with a URI (and PDFs))

  https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/ "W3C Web Annotation Data Model"


https://mail.python.org/pipermail/edu-sig/ (Archives)

- Click "[ Thread ]"

OR (for additional mailing list URIs):

- https://code.activestate.com/lists/python-edu-sig/
- https://marc.info/?l=python-edu-sig
- http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/Python-edu-sig-f2103323.html

... Here's an idea:

> Or maybe it's that listservs (mail lists) are not an obvious vehicle for
> blatant advertising whereas Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and such, all
> have obvious ways for marketers to break in.


- National Education Technology Plan (NETP): Reimagining the Role of
Technology in Education

- Higher Education Supplement to the National Education Technology Plan
(HIGHEREDNETP): Reimagining the Role of Technology in Higher Education

Twitter Hashtags: #edtech #edetech #k12cs #stem #python

(Saveable) Twitter Searches:

- https://twitter.com/search?q=edtech+python
- https://twitter.com/search?q=edutech+python
- https://twitter.com/search?q=k12cs+python
- https://twitter.com/search?q=stem+python

Twitter lists:

- https://twitter.com/westurner/lists/edtech /members
- https://twitter.com/IntelEDU/lists/edutech/members
- https://twitter.com/IntelEDU/lists/education-it/members

> Glad to see about the new release of the physics engine.[1]

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender_(software)
- https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_78a_release/
- https://www.blender.org/manual/physics/
- https://www.blender.org/manual/game_engine/python_api/bullet_physics.html
(these docs could be much more beginner-friendly)

> Portland has been under a blanket of snow, so the Winter term is off to a
> slow start. That's with regard to an after school program I help staff,
> more another time (CwK [2]).
> The public school system in Portland is a big fan of MIT Scratch, did I
> mention?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockly (code.org)






"Bricklayer programs produce virtual LEGO, Minecraft, and 3D-printable



> Where to next after that, if MIT Scratch is how you started?  There's more
> than one way forward naturally.  However if you've started in the cloud and
> are used to accessing the same work from multiple devices, then you'll
> probably want to keep working that way, at least sometimes.
> Have most here heard of Codesters already?
> https://www.codesters.com/
> Codesters provides a platform very like MIT Scratch, by deliberate design,
> providing continuity of concepts and skills (sprites and backdrops, drag
> and drop tools, sorted by topic) into a Pythonic environment.

The LMS (integrated gradebook) features of Codesters look pretty cool.
>From the video, I also like how you can drag-and-drop actual code to the

> https://youtu.be/Q1hj5XvrfTw
> I used the snow days to study up on Finnish history a little, with a spike
> in activity on Facebook where I see some of you.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqZSYKJPDN8 (Finnish Leveraxe 2.0)


In order to meet the challenges of the future, the focus is on transversal
> (generic) competences and work across school subjects. Collaborative
> classroom practices, where pupils may work with several teachers
> simultaneously during periods of phenomenon-based project studies are
> emphasised.

The pupils should participate each year in at least one such
> multidisciplinary learning module. These modules are designed and
> implemented locally. The core curriculum also states that the pupils should
> be involved in the planning.





It would be really great if we could develop transdisciplinary STEM
curriculum tied in with #K12CSFramework:

> Looking forward to a visit from former PSF director and former Pycon
> tycoon (used for alliteration) Steve Holden in a week or so.  Many readers
> here know him.


https://twitter.com/westurner/lists/python /members

> He's a UKer now living back in the homeland, who is likewise very at home
> in the US, had a cool office and apartment (separate addresses) just blocks
> from here in recent years.



> Speaking of Pycon, I signed on as a possible co-speaking at two Pycon
> talks.


There's a pyvideo "education" tag:


> Charles Crosse [3] has devised an ingenius business plan he wants to open
> source,


> plus (and this is what's impressive) a working prototype he's actually
> field tested with his own family.
> Basically, it's a way for parents to set it up for unsupervised learning
> where junior gets more "lives" (time on the Internet) in exchange for
> choosing from "pre-approved activities". Translation: "if you do your math
> homework, you'll get more time on the X-Box"
> Whether the proposals fly or not (as talks), I'm optimistic about the
> model.  The prototype uses a Raspberry Pi as a stand-in router.  That's the
> shut-off valve.  If you don't do your math homework, the router stops
> feeding you lives and you X-box loses its net connection (there's a GUI and
> everything).

What about emergency xbox communications?

> In addition to Codesters, our program uses Cloud9.




   "@wstein389 Does nbgrader (for grading @ProjectJupyter notebooks) work
with @sagemathcloud? #EdTech"


> I continue to showcase thekirbster.pythonanywhere.com as a somewhat
> functional CRUD application (the skeleton is there) using Flask + Jinja2.
> Very minimalist, just showing what a bare bones web application might
> consist of.



> You've got the idea of "front and back door APIs" i.e. a front door for
> human eyeballs, a back door for other computers using an API.
> We could call it a "service entrance" like when trucks back up to the
> warehouse to load/unload goods (but in this case using JSON).



https://github.com/Runscope/httpbin "HTTP Request & Response Service,
written in Python + Flask. http://httpbin.org";

http://swagger.io/open-source-integrations/#python-18 lists a number of
swagger (OpenAPI) implementations for flask.

http://swagger.io/specification/ "OpenAPI Specification (fka Swagger
RESTful API Documentation Specification)"



> Kirby
> [1] I've been yammering about physics education Youtubes on that list for
> physics teachers I frequent, closed archive (for now). Behind those
> Youtubes (animations) may be a physics engine.
> [2] https://www.codingwithkids.com/#!/afterschool?show=locations&region=2
> [3]
> http://coffeeshopsnet.blogspot.com/2016/09/internet-aware-lcds.html
> (another project)
> http://mybizmo.blogspot.com/2016/10/go-by-train.html  (picture of
> Charles, bottom)
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