After K-12 years of compulsory math education, no-one (no-one!) taught me
that there are CAS (Computer Algebra Systems) like SymPy and Sage; other
than that better calculators are not allowed because that's an unfair

Simplified cost and revenue models with fixed and variable expenses may be
an ideal way to introduce CAS. Solve for break-even in terms of n years or

Does pyodide work well with minimal software deployment or centralized
resources for hosting a JupyterHub server that hosts preconfigured docker
containers? (Pyodide compiles Python and C to WebAssembly so that it runs
at near-native speed with no installation)

> Pyodide brings the Python runtime to the browser via WebAssembly, along
with NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, parts of SciPy, and NetworkX

Pyodide Demo:

On Sunday, June 23, 2019, kirby urner <> wrote:

> Somewhere every summer, I tend to call into question the wisdom of buying
> the kids another scientific calculator at the drug store (we call them that
> here, pharmacies have calculators hanging on racks at the checkout, to cash
> in on gullibility and impulse buys).
> This year:
> Tomorrow/blob/master/Sandbox_Example.ipynb
> That's of course the read-only version (vs. with the
> benefit of a free video at the bottom, not visible on Github, where I give
> my viewers the elevator speech i.e. pitch Jupyter Notebooks using Python as
> superior to slaving away with a graphing calculator.
> Not that anyone is still using graphing calculators right?  Sorry if I'm
> beating a dead horse (idiom).
> Kirby
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