Andre:  I think you mean simply  __builtins__, without the dir(). 

I was puzzled by this remark at first but now I’m seeing 

When I boot into the Python shell directly from bash,
and ask for the type of __builtins__ i.e. type(__builtins__),
I get back that it’s a module.  Then dir(__builtins__) lists 
the contents, of the module, same as dir(math) would do.

However, if I’m in the Spyder IDE and ask for the type
of __builtins__, I’m told it’s a dict. If I ask for type(__builtins__)
I get a list of all the things dicts can do, not the contents of
the module.

Ah, but there’s more…in Spyder, I have not only __builtins__
but __builtin__ (singular), and the latter is a module that 
behaves like __builtins__ (plural) in the primitive shell. At
the same time, the primitive shell doesn’t have a __builtin__,
only __builtins__.  Spyder has added complexity.

I’m using the same version of Python (3.9) in both cases.


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