In a few minutes I'll join Sunshine Elite Education online
and help out like a gym coach in some ways, because
Algorithms and Data Structures, at the 8th grade level,
is a doorway into a competitive sport:  competitive
programming (CP).  Although the contests are geared
towards youth, say high school level, in full adulthood
comes the "coding interview" and so the same skills apply.

Then later tonight, I'll be marching a small army of the
the future through the numpy + pandas + matplotlib
ecosystem.  I'd call that Algorithms and Data Structures
too, in the numpy's ndarray and the DataFrame are both
data structures.  With lots of algorithms to go with.  My
new Hello, World page:

My way of merging both worlds is to tackle the "longest
increasing sequence in a matrix" problem, a coding
interview classic, with numpy.  I'm sure that would not
be acceptable in the contest area, but it's a way of merging
my two worlds.  If you want to see more, click on USAOS
in the Notebook allow and scroll to where I'm developing
those algorithms (Kadane's Algorithm etc.): Eureka Moments.

I think of this as anthropology, me some guy in the field.

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