On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 09:55:36AM -0400, David Trask wrote:

Hey, Dave!

Great news on your conversion!

> I've been perusing the K12OS list as well as the edubuntu-users
> list....one very common gripe is the Thin-Client Manager.  The lists,
> processes, and things like that are working fine, but the screen view,
> demo and so forth are not.  We need to get this working well...

Agreed.  I'm not sure what cbx33 has planned for it.  I've been head down
on ldm2, which is going to fix a lot of issues for us.  We need to get
TCM fixed up for the next LTS release, for sure.

> Documentation:  The documentation for things like initial set up....fixing
> LDM....those types of things is sorely lacking.  I intend to fix some of
> that next week as I'll write up what I've done this past week.  We need to
> focus on "newbie-speak"

The handbook made a huge leap forward last time, but it's got a long way
to go.  Plus, we keep adding MORE stuff!  Argh!  More people on the doco
team are always needed.  Once I get done wrapping up ldm2, I'll start in
on more doco.

> Splash screen:  Not only is it pretty....it lends a feeling of
> user-friendliness when thin-clients are booting, however there are
> resolution issues and issues with some thin-clients being unable to use
> it....(I had to turn it off)

If you've got specific clients it does't work on, file bug reports on 'em.
Specifically, output of lspci -vv so we can see what's in the box for a 
video card.  That will help immensely.


Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen

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