Bonjour à tou.te.s,

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un appel à propositions pour le panel* "State
Promotion of 'Shared Values’: a New Nationalism?"* organisé dans le cadre
du 26ème congrès de l’IPSA <> (International
Political Science Association) qui se tiendra à Lisbonne du 25 au 29
juillet 2020.

Les propositions doivent être soumises avant le *10 octobre 2019* via la
plateforme du congrès :

Bien à vous,

Janie Pélabay

*Janie Pélabay*
Chargée de recherche FNSP

FNSP Research Fellow

Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
UMR du CNRS 7048
98, rue de l'Université - 75007 Paris
*T.* +33 (0)1 45 49 51 01

Dear colleagues,

Please find a call for papers for the panel *"State Promotion of 'Shared
Values’: a New Nationalism?" *to be organised at the 26th IPSA World
Congress of Political Science <> in Lisbon,
on July 25-29 2020.

Paper proposals should be submitted before *10 October 10th, 2019* via the
IPSA website. Please follow this link:

Best wishes,

Janie Pélabay

*Janie Pélabay*
Chargée de recherche FNSP

FNSP Research Fellow

Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
UMR du CNRS 7048
98, rue de l'Université - 75007 Paris
*T.* +33 (0)1 45 49 51 01

*26th World Congress of Political Science*

*26o Congresso Mundial de Ciência Política*

*25-29 | 07 | 2020   Lisbon, Portugal*

*“**State Promotion of ‘Shared Values’: A New Nationalism?**”*

RC14 Politics and Ethnicity

Co-chairs: Réjane Sénac and Janie Pélabay, Sciences Po, CEVIPOF

Convenor: Émilien Fargues, EUI, RSCAS

Discussant: Elke Winter, University of Ottawa, CIRCEM


In a number of contemporary liberal democracies, governments from different
sides of the political spectrum appear to be trumpeting ‘shared values’ as
a remedy to social divisiveness and political disengagement. The public
purpose of promoting the values that ‘we’ allegedly have in common gives
ground to a series of state actions and public policies, such as:
integration contracts, tests for immigrants, moral and civic education
courses in schools, military and civic service (either compulsory or
voluntary), ‘de-radicalisation’ programs as well as programs to enhance
gender equality and combat violence against women, professional trainings
in the management of cultural and religious diversity for public officials.

The objective of this panel is to analyse whether a specific kind of
nationalism (or specific kinds) emerge(s) from the state promotion of
‘shared values’, and whether it/they can be qualified as new. So far,
scholars have taken divergent views on this matter. Some argue that the
collective identity defined through such policies is grounded on a set of
universal principles and that this hardly qualifies as ‘nationalism’
understood as an exclusionary ideology. Should the concept of nationalism
apply, this could only be a ‘thin’, ‘civic’ form of nationalism. By
contrast, others argue that the promotion of a value-based collective
identity develops new forms of nationalism (such as ‘femonationalism’ and
‘homonationalism’) that have exclusionary effects (notably on Muslims
perceived as advocates of an opposite value-system legitimising male

This panel invites papers that investigate how political leaders and policy
actors, at different levels and in different areas, use and implement the
notion of ‘shared values’. The following questions may be explored: Which
‘values’ are considered as constitutive of the ‘national community’? On
what grounds do states justify their promotion? What are the means used to
convey and enforce these ‘values’ (discourses, curricula and trainings,
soft/hard law, charters, constitutional provisions, etc.)? What are the
consequences of these policies on their different targets (majority groups,
ethnic minorities, students, immigrants, etc.)? Empirical contributions
based on comparative and single case study as well as theoretical papers
digging into contemporary public controversies are both welcome.

Abstracts should be submitted by *October 10th, 2019 at the latest *via the
IPSA website. Please follow this link:

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:

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