Dear all,

We are very glad to announce the release of a new special section of
the *Journal
for General Philosophy of Science *(52/1, March 2021).

The special section aims to emphasize the pivotal role of the history of
science for pluralism. Instead of reverting to abstract speculation about
an idealized conception of science and of scientific knowledge, the papers
presented here draw decisive insights from the ways in which science was
actually conducted. These insights open up new ways not only of seeing the
past of these sciences but also, and more fundamentally, of shaping present
and future science.

The special section is edited by Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison and Ivan


[Special section]

*Thinking Crossroads: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralist History of

Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison & Ivan Moya-Diez

Hasok Chang
*Presentist History for Pluralist History of Science

Thierry Hoquet
*Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant*

Thomas Bonnin
*Monist and Pluralist Approaches on Underdetermination: A Case Study in
Evolutionary Microbiology*

This is the web page of the issue:


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