Donna Rose Addis (Toronto) will give a talk in the international seminar of
the Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble on June 3 (session coorganized with
the Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition's memory team). The talk
will take place via Zoom, and all are welcome. Please see below for details.

Donna Rose Addis (Toronto)
Reconsidering episodic memory
15:30-17:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
3 June 2021

Abstract: Over the past few decades, episodic memory has enjoyed a
privileged position in cognitive neuroscience: it is typically
characterized as being the pinnacle of human memory, in part due to the
conscious experience of remembering the self in the past that it affords.
In this talk, I discuss evidence that suggests this hierarchy may not be
universal, and that in fact, episodic memory may not be as distinct from
semantic memory, or even imagination, as once thought.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 954 8467 1525
Password: 686686

Best wishes,

Kourken Michaelian


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