‌Chers et chères collègues,

je vous prie de bien vouloir trouver ci-dessous la présentation et le programme 
d'un atelier portant sur les fondements de la randomisation qui aura lieu en 
ligne les 8 et 9 juin prochains. Le lien de connexion et les résumés seront 
envoyés en début de semaine prochaine aux personnes qui en auront fait la 
demande dans un message envoyé à l'adresse suivante : 
Merci de votre attention,

Isabelle Drouet

Online workshop on the foundations of randomization, June 8th and 9th


Randomized controlled trials have been much discussed in the last 20 years for 
the status they are granted within evidence-based medicine, usually at the top 
of hierarchies of evidence. Their importance has also been repeatedly 
underlined in the context of the pandemic. These discussions, in philosophy, in 
science and in the public debate, often presuppose, more or less explicitly, 
that the epistemic reasons to randomize are clearly identified and well-known. 
But this is not the case. The foundations of randomization fail to be 
consensual even in the one context where it may seem obvious that randomization 
is the best way to go - that is, to determine whether a given medical 
intervention has a causal effect on a disease. The most common view, targeted 
by most criticisms of randomization, is that randomization is a means to 
balance confounders, known and unknown, between parallel groups, and thereby to 
ensure that any difference between groups can be interpreted causally. Howe
 ver, Fisher rather introduced randomization as a device making it possible to 
calculate the probability of the different possible observations and to 
determine whether the observed difference is statistically significant. What 
are the different justifications of randomization and how do they compare to 
each other? In which situations do they hold and, for that matter, should we 
randomize at all? The workshop will investigate these questions, which are 
particularly urgent in the current, pandemic context, where we need to make 
informed methodological choices as regards the assessment of preventive or 
curative treatments. How questions about randomization relate to other topics 
in the philosophy of statistics - primarily the opposition between frequentist 
and Bayesian approaches - will also be explored.


The workshop will bring together philosophers and practitioners to think about 
these issues. 


Organization: Isabelle Drouet (SND, Sorbonne Université)

Scientific committee: Isabelle Drouet and Anouk Barberousse (SND, Sorbonne 
Email for information and registration: randomization2...@gmail.com 

June 8th

1.30 pm - 2.20. Invited talk by Stephen Senn (consultant statistician, 
Edinburgh): Fisher’s Gambit. Understanding Randomisation

2.20 - 2.55. Evangelos Koumparoudis (Sofia University): Randomized control 
trials limitations and epistemological aspects


3.10 - 4.00. Invited talk by Jonathan Fuller (University of Pittsburgh): 
Statistics, Balance and Bias: Randomization in Clinical Epidemiology and EBM

4.00 - 4.35. Aydin Mohseni and Daniel Alexander Herrmann (University of 
California, Irvine): Why randomize, really?


4.50 - 5.40. Invited talk by Fabienne El Khoury (INSERM / Sorbonne Université): 
Randomised trials: merits, limitations, and field developments  

5.40 - 6.15. Elselijn Kingma & Oliver Galgut (King’s College London): Better 
than randomisation? A philosophical defense of ‘dynamically allocated 
controlled trials’


June 9th

2 pm - 2.50. Invited talk by Isabelle Guérin and François Roubaud (Institut de 
Recherche pour le Développement): RCTs in the field of development: a critical 
perspective with a focus on microcredit sector

2.50 - 3.05. Julio Michael Stern (University of Sao Paulo): Why and how to 
randomize and audit in legal sortition and clinical trials


3.20 - 4.10. Invited talk by Maximilian Kasy (Oxford University): Statistical 
decision theory cannot justify randomization or pre-registration for 

4.10 - 4.45. Michel Shamy (Ottawa Hospital & Department of Medicine, University 
of Ottawa & Ottawa Hospital Research Institute): Evidentiary standards and the 
justification of randomized clinical trials:  The example of hydroxychloroquine 
trials for COVID-19

4.45 - 5.20. Konstantin Genin (University of Tubingen) and Conor Mayo-Wilson 
(University of Washington, Seattle): Randomization, identifiability, and 
estimation of causal effects



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