Call for papers

3rd Conference of the Network for Phenomenological Research
Inner Awareness: Past and Present
Nov 30 & Dec 1-2, 2021
University of Liège, Liège, Belgium

Famously, Brentano argued that consciousness constitutively requires some 
(special) form of self-consciousness—let us call it ‘inner awareness.’ How to 
account for inner awareness has been a matter of huge debate, not only among 
early phenomenologists (Brentano, Stumpf, Husserl, Scheler, Hildebrand, etc.) 
and early analytic philosophers (G.E. Moore, the early Russell, C.D. Broad, 
etc.), but also among contemporary philosophers of mind. Indeed, a very lively 
discussion is currently going on about the very existence of inner awareness, 
its nature, and its epistemic value. In recent analytic philosophy of mind, 
meta-representationalist approaches that construe inner awareness as a 
representation relation of some sort have been dominant. But they are not 
without difficulties and are far from being the only option available.
The primary goal of this conference is to explore alternatives to 
meta-representationalism. We welcome contributions that connect past and 
present conceptions of inner awareness, as well as new and original accounts of 
inner awareness (guidelines for abstract submission below). 

Here are some of the issues we would like to cover:
1. Existence: Many extant arguments for inner awareness have been challenged in 
recent literature. How can we effectively defend the idea that inner awareness 
is real and that it is a fundamental aspect of conscious experience?
2. Distinctiveness: Since the inception of the phenomenological research 
program, inner awareness has often been described as a distinctive kind of 
awareness, one that is importantly and perhaps even fundamentally different 
from ‘outer’ awareness. Is it so? If inner awareness is distinctive, how and in 
what respects is it so?
3. Nature: How to account for the nature of inner awareness? 
Meta-representationalist theories have been deeply dug into. Alternative 
theories may be equally or even more promising, and at least worth exploring. 
Among these are acquaintance accounts and non-standard versions of 
representationalism, as well as other kinds of account which might have been 
held by early phenomenologists and analytic philosophers. We also encourage 
contributions that explore new or underrepresented proposals.
4. Naturalization: One of the primary motivations for meta-representationalism 
about inner awareness is its potential for naturalization. Can alternative 
accounts compete with meta-representationalism in this respect? For example, 
are there any prospects for naturalizing acquaintance?
5. Epistemic value: It has been maintained that inner awareness is crucial to 
explain the first-person privileged access and self-knowledge more generally. 
But is that true? What is the relation between inner awareness and reflective 
knowledge of our own conscious states? And how should we construe inner 
awareness to have it play the epistemic role it is supposed to play? For 
example, is a representationalist construal of inner awareness required or 
We aim for an in-person event. However, given the still ongoing Covid-19 
pandemic, we might be forced to move the conference partly or totally online. 
Participants will be informed in due time.

Guillaume Fréchette (Geneva/Salzburg)
Marie Guillot (Essex)
Uriah Kriegel (Rice)
Tom McClelland (Cambridge)
Kristina Musholt (Leipzig)
Donnchadh O’Conaill (Fribourg)

Some free slots are available for contributed papers suitable for 45-minute 
presentation (followed by 45 minutes for Q&A). We welcome the submission of 
abstracts between 500 and 1000 words (references excluded), in PDF format, and 
prepared for blind review. Please, prepare also a title page, to be submitted 
as a separate file (PDF), indicating the title of your paper, your name, 
affiliation, and email address. To submit abstracts and title pages, send an 
email to innerawareness2021[at] <> with the heading 
‘Inner Awareness Conference.’
The deadline for the submission is June 15, 2021. Notifications of acceptance 
will be sent by September 1, 2021. Accepted speakers should confirm their 
presence by September 10, 2021. 
We might be able to cover part of the expenses for PhD students or early career 
researchers without a permanent position whose abstracts have been accepted but 
who do not have sufficient financial support from their home institutions. To 
further discuss this point, please send us an email at the indicated address.

All inquiries should be addressed to: innerawareness2021[at] 
Updated info can be found on the conference website: <>.

Submission deadline: June 15, 2021.
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2021.
Confirmation of participation: September 10, 2021.

Davide Bordini
Arnaud Dewalque
Anna Giustina
Denis Seron
This conference is one of the events organized within the broader framework of 
the research project ‘The Phenomenology of Mental States.’

Davide Bordini, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Philosophy 
University of Liège
Liège, Belgium <>


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