Chères et chers collègues,

La prochaine séance du *séminaire général de l'IHPST* se tiendra le *lundi
28 juin, de 12h30 à 14h*. Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter *Marie I. *
*KAISER*, professeure à l'Université de Bielefeld.

Voici le titre et le résumé de sa communication :

*What Is an Animal Personality?*

*Individuals of many animal species are said to have a personality. It has
been shown that some individuals are bolder than other individuals of the
same species, or more sociable or more aggressive. In this talk, I analyze
what it means to say that an animal has a personality. I clarify what an
animal personality is and how different personality concepts relate to each
other, and I examine how personality traits are identified in biological
practice. My analysis shows that biologists often study specific
personality traits, such as boldness, sociability or aggressiveness, rather
than personalities in general. I claim that personality traits are best
understood as dispositions and that they are operationally defined in terms
of certain sets of behaviors, which are studied in specific experimental
set-ups. Furthermore, I develop an integrative philosophical account that
specifies and formalizes three criteria for identifying personality traits,
which are used in biological practice. For an individual animal to have a
personality trait it must, first, behave differently than others
(Individual Differences). Second, these behavioral differences must be
stable over a certain time (Temporal Stability), and third, they must be
consistent in different contexts (Contextual Consistency).(This talk is
based on a joint paper published together with Caroline Müller.)*

La séance se tiendra en *visioconférence*.
*Pour vous inscrire*, veuillez s'il vous plaît envoyer un message à
l'adresse suivante :
*Un lien Zoom vous sera envoyé quelques heures avant le début de la séance.*

Au plaisir de vous voir.
Bien cordialement,

Francesca Merlin
Vincent Ardourel


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