On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 14:07, Quiliro Ordóñez <quil...@riseup.net> wrote:
> I am convinced that the perspective of hidding code to make user
> friendliness is a flaw in software because it will be more difficult to
> start to learn hacking and making use of all the power that the person
> needs from the tool.  But, upon several attempts to learn EEV, I have
> given up every time.  I know it is my own fault.  I wonder if we could
> make it both easy by making the "guided" path more visible and making
> the other functionality available (not hidden) but less visible in some
> way.  I am not sure how this could be possible.  If I can be of help, I
> am available for any task.
> I hope this comment is useful and I wholeheartedly thank Eduardo for the
> work done on the project.

Hi Quiliro,

Thanks!!! There are many people in the same situation as you...

I think that the problem is that eev grew organically from my needs.
In the beginning I was a person who couldn't write programs longer
than, say, 50 lines long, as I mentioned here:


I wanted to learn lots of tools and programming languages, and I found
that by keeping "executable notes" of everything that I did I became
capable of much bigger tasks. Then eev became a collection of the best
minimal tools that I had - a bit like Unix, in which many of the
programs in the "core utils" are standard, but many of these programs
only make sense to new users after several years - and from time to
time I would declare some of my old tools obsolete, because I had
replacements for them that were much more elegant... for example
`M-x eev', described here,


that was sort of replaced by eepitch.

I _guess_ that a good way to understand how to use the tools in eev is
by following existing e-scripts - I learned Unix by understanding
well-written shell scripts and makefiles, so that's similar - and I've
been trying to create example of e-scripts that are easy to run and
that demonstrate techniques that I think that are important. This is a
recent example:

  (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022pict2elua")

  Title: Pict2e-lua: a library for diagrams that is being developed
         with eev and test blocks
  MP4:   http://angg.twu.net/eev-videos/2022-pict2e-lua.mp4
  YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiHsUhGVLGM
  Page:  http://angg.twu.net/pict2e-lua.html
  Comment: A very good demo of test blocks.
  Date:    2022apr18
  Length:  8:13

My suggestion is: try to run that example, and if something doesn't
make sense, then ask a specific question, like "where can I find more
info about what happens in 5:26?"

  Hope that helps =/,

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