Moving thread to mailing list per request.  Also cross-posting to
Github.  Apologies for the duplicate message.

"Eduardo Ochs" <> writes:

> You're right that "generally, one would either execute all three or
> none of them", but I found that there were many cases in which I just
> wanted to redisplay the target buffer at the window at the right
> without restarting it, and in these cases I would just execute the
> (eepitch-shell)...

Yes, I can see value in not altering the behaviour of eepitch-shell.  I
wasn't proposing that the definition of eepitch-$name be altered.  My
proposal was for a new function (or family of functions), say,
eepitch-init-$name where (eepitch-init-$name) would be equivalent to
something like (progn (eepitch-$name) (eepitch-kill) (eepitch-$name)) .


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