On 19.02.24 05:10, 'Earl Chew' via EFI Boot Guard wrote:
> Jan,
>> Why do you do this twice? You already detect this case during configure
>> time.
> The runtime check ensures that the argument to BS->Stall() never overflows.
> Having said that, perhaps this would be more fitting, and then forget about
> the check at configure time:
> +    const UINTN max_delay = ~ (UINTN) 0 / 1000 / 1000;
> +    BS->Stall(1000 * 1000 *
> +        (ENV_BOOT_DELAY < max_delay ? ENV_BOOT_DELAY : max_delay));

This is a build-time configurable, so let's check at build-time.


Siemens AG, Technology
Linux Expert Center

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