Your described scenario is quite strange :-) i am running the same but i
have no such issues with skype...even at my organization people use skype
for hours but they never get signed out...i wondef wat i can suggest more
On Nov 10, 2011 9:15 PM, "Giovanni Vecchi" <> wrote:

> > You can find useragent file under /var/efw/proxy but I don’t know how to
> > add user agent...
> > Sorry.
> To create a new user agent, you have to add a new line into
> /usr/lib/efw/proxy/default/useragents
> So, I've tried adding:
> SKYPE,Skype,(skype)
> After a squid reload, added a new Access Policy:
> Unfiltered Access, ANY, ANY, not required, Always, SKYPE in first
> position, but it still doesn't works.
> I think that the solution is to allow skype to not pass through Web
> Proxy and allow it to reach internet in port 443 from gateway/firewall:
> sniffing network with wireshark, I've seen that it doens't create HTTPS
> packets, it only create a SSL packets (see:
>; in
> this case user agent field is not defined, so the trick will fail.
> These are my two cents.
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