Hi All

I have problems with finderException. I have one finder method defined in
the Home Interface of  entity bean. I have mentioned it also in the
weblogic-cmp-rdbms.jar. But during ejbc compling it gives an error message
FinderNotFoundException. I am using Weblogic 5.1.

Thanx in Advance

-----Original Message-----
From: louth,william [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic finder method with CMP

"We found that performance would be heavily impacted by using a CMP entity
bean (since you'd have one database hit for the initial find, and then 1 hit
for each entity bean that is created).  " -tb

 This does not have to be the case. The Inprise Application Server CMP
engine allows you set a flag 'load state' for finder method calls, to load
the state for the entity beans in the find sql. This reduces the numbers of
SQL calls to one.

So instead of having :
    select pk from sometable where something is true
    select fld1, fld2,.. from sometable where pk = ?
we have
    select pk, fld1, fld2,...from sometable where something is true

Regarding use of session beans I am STILL uneasy spreading knowledge of the
persistence level across entity beans and session beans especially when it
over laps. There could be a case for aggregates. On limited views, well I
try to use the CMP engine unless the performance overhead is great. Its all
about tradeoffs, but we should start from the right side before moving to
the dark side.



-----Original Message-----
From: Biske, Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic finder method with CMP

Wade et al:

We had this same scenario and we chose to use a session bean for the dynamic
querying.  We found that performance would be heavily impacted by using a
CMP entity bean (since you'd have one database hit for the initial find, and
then 1 hit for each entity bean that is created).  At that point, it came
down between a BMP entity bean and a session bean.  There wasn't any
advantage to creating an entity bean that represented query results, and if
anything, it would consume more resources than the session bean approach.  A
stateless session bean could be used to perform the query and return a
business object representing the results, and then thrown away.

In general, our pattern is this:

When the user is performing an action that will return multiple entities
(rows) from the database (and it is typically a small number of attributes
for those entities), we use a stateless session bean.

When the user is performing an action that will return detailed information
about a single entity (row) from the database, we use entity beans.


        -----Original Message-----
From:   Wade Catlyn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, June 08, 2000 6:58 PM
Subject:        Dynamic finder method with CMP

        Hi folks,

        I wish to implement an entity bean that has a findBy method whose
criteria is specified dynamically. This would be useful for operations
where a user can specify what criteria he wishes to search by. (e.g an
html form with several fields such as name, age, address, date... etc,
and the query would be composed using only the fields which the user

        This can be easily done using bean managed persistence by having a
method of the form: findByCriteria(SearchCriteria sc)
where the desired query would be composed using the information
extracted from the SearchCriteria object.

        However this would not be possible if container managed persistence

        Does anyone have any suggestions on how this kind on functionality
be implemented without having to give up the advanteges of CMP ?


        Wade Catlyn

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