Yes, that's what I was trying to avoid... :(

I was looking for any way to do a similar thing inside the EQL. I'm using
EJB 2.0, WLS 8.1.


>On EJB 2.1, you can have:
>java.util.Collection findByDate(java.util.Date dateBeg, java.util.Date
>And an EQL Query with a predicate:
>WHERE myDateField BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2
>The code that calls the method:
>Date date = ......
>MyHome home = .....
>Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
>c.set(HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
>c.set(MINUTE, 0);
>c.set(SECOND, 0);
>c.set(MILLISECOND, 0);
>Date dateBeg = c.getTime();
>c.add(DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
>Date dateEnd = c.getTime();
>Collection bag = home.findByDate(dateBeg, dateEnd);
>Also, you can, depending on your server/db, create a SQL statement to do
>the same, but it depends a lot on your config
>and thus it's not portable.

>mcrod wrote:
>>I want to query a CMP that has a field Date mapped to an Oracle Date col
>>table. The data is stored in the database with year, month, day and time.
>>What I want is, return all registers with a certain year, month and day.
>>considering the time. The signature must be:
>>java.util.Collection findByDate(java.util.Date date)
>>So, as the Date I am passing as a parameter has an empty time, and the
>>is present in the database field, how to build a query that ignores it ?

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