Jan Schampera a écrit :
> Damien asked me to do some ressearch on a widget that can give a "link
> quality" status. Imagine it in the lower left corner, right next to the
> status text of the main window.
> The animation is composed of the 5 states the widget can show 0-1-2-3-4.
> I tried to get some color relation to the Ekiga logo (a darker orange
> and a lighter one).
> Technically the widget will take a level value between 0.0 and 1.0 and
> will recalculate it internally, that way one can change the view (maybe
> more bars) and doesn't need to change external calculation code. The
> widget will be native 22px to 22px (icons).
> Any comments about the optics so far? The widget code isn't ready yet.
> http://www.thebonsai.de/images/gtkfencemeter4_ani.gif

Nice view. What will measure link quality ?

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