
I hope I'll be able to have a look this week-end, and perhaps integrate
it into CVS.

Le mardi 28 novembre 2006 à 22:22 +0100, Matthias Schneider a écrit :
> Hi all, 
> enclosed a new version of my XV patch that should fix the window position in 
> encrusted mode. I
> also implemented an alternative GDK drawing style that uses considerably less 
> resources than the
> original approach (and is also consistent to what I do when embedding an XV 
> window). You can try
> out the performance difference by commenting out the #define GDK_ALTERNATIVE 
> 1 in line 2940. One
> issue remains with the window position, after resizing the video widget the 
> new settings do not
> get immediately applied, the first frame after a switch from external window 
> to embedded is
> misplaced, although the process_all_updates function should be blocking until 
> all changes have
> been applied if my understanding of gtk is correct. Any enlightenment on this 
> would be welcome.
> Furthermore I would like to welcome any kind of bug report.
> Thanks in advance,
> Matthias
> p.s.Also still open is the issue of the moving windows when turning on and 
> off decorations.
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