Hi all!

Attached please find an interim patch for the win32/Makefile reflecting how far 
I got before I will have to call it a day for today.

Please use in conjuction with 


This patch fixes the following:

* automake and friends are recognized (1.9 / 1.10 issue)
* the Ekiga source code is checked out directly via Subversion and no longer 
fatched from a snapshot which hasn't been updated since Nov 7th, 2007. (In 
other words, you think you're compiling the trunk version, but you don't until 
you use this patch
* the x264 stuff is not fetched from their new git repository. We fetch the 
latest version always. The Makefile which went to the videolan svn was getting 
a specific release before.
* I commented out some patches which do not seem to exist anymore

On git:

Never used this before. Right now when I run 

make update-sources

for a 2nd time, it complains about the dir being there already.

On commenting out patches:

I run into some errors which I have seen on the native build of trunk for 
Linux. Probably these patches had some cross-compile specific stuff. Need to 

Therefore (see subject line) this patch will not yet make the build work again, 
but I want to share my current state. I hope I am moving in the right direction.


Attachment: win32-makefile-trunk.patch
Description: Binary data

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