
After changing the uninitialised values I've kept comparing the behaviour of 
ekiga with ALSA and

I've thought of reporting here what I have found in the hope that someone could 
have a better
understanding and maybe identify the core of the issue to report to PulseAudio.

I am analysing what happens when I play the ringtone via the conf dialog.

Basically in PSoundChannleALSA there is a method "Open()".
It is called twice, the first time it gives slightly different results (even 
after correcting the
uninitialised), but the second time it gives the same values

2009/01/26 20:39:14.818   0:10.651      AudioEvent...0xb6804b90 Alsa    Buffer 
time is 20000
2009/01/26 20:39:14.818   0:10.651      AudioEvent...0xb6804b90 Alsa    Period 
time is 5000

Afterwards the actual audio output starts. This is done via Write().

What happens when using the pulse-alsa module is that there are many underruns 
after calling

In order to fix the underrun snd_pcm_prepare is called and I think this is 
responsible for the very
bad quality AND for the fact that the stream volume controller in the 
PulseAudio Volume Manager
keeps disappearing and reappearing.
I've tried snd_pcm_recover() but there is no difference.

It seems that each time an underrun occurs, a nasty glitch can be heard.

I have no idea what causes the underrun.

Does anybody have a better understanding of all that?

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