Le lundi 31 août 2009 à 14:47 +0200, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
> Julien Puydt wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm crashing ekiga in various ways, and would like to know if I'm the
> > only one :
> > 1) just launch and quit, and hit an assertion in ptlib (that one looks
> > awfully like something I had some time ago) ;
> > 2) launch, call for example 5...@ekiga.net, stop the call, wait a few
> > seconds (it has something to do with getting a registration event...) ;
> > 2') launch, call someone offline, wait a few seconds (the previous).
> I have not tested it extensively, but I have sometimes the crash 1) when
> I quit before registering.  I have not seen crashes 2 and 2'.

I still have the sigc++ version and do not have those crashes => perhaps
it is due to boost.
 _     Damien Sandras
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       SIP Phone       : sip:dsand...@ekiga.net

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