On 14/04/14 10:38, John Smith wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Eugen Dedu
<eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr> wrote:
On 14/04/14 10:02, Eugen Dedu wrote:

I thought I fixed this.  What version of ptlib do you compile?

Err, sorry, I fixed it in the repository, but no release has been done

Please use the branch v2_10 of ptlib, OR apply manually commits 31087 and
31392, you can take them from http://sourceforge.net/p/opalvoip/code/log.

I used the version specified here :

which is v2_10 :

svn export 

im pretty new to svn, how do i manually apply commits 31087 and 31392 ?

If you used the line above (svn export...), then you have already the good source code. So the error is elsewhere, and I was wrong about it.

Don't you have the file ./src/ptlib/common/getdate.tab.c in ptlib directory? What is the complete line:
#define SVN_REVISION ...
in revision.h?

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