Le mardi 13 février 2007 à 16:19 -0600, John B a écrit :


>     I'd like to help, but I really don't know how to do any of the listed 
> things (other than just reporting bugs as they come up and spreading the word 
> about Ekiga) :-(
>   Writing, even e-mails, just isn't even close to being a strongpoint for me.

Do not worry, spready the word about Ekiga is also a very good way to be
active !

Thanks for your support :-)
 _      Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_  NOVACOM                 : http://www.novacom.be/
          FOSDEM                   : http://www.fosdem.org/
          SIP Phone             : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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