I compiled and installed linux-uvc (uvcvideo module with v4l2 device driver) 
with luvcview to view video of my USB Logitech Quickcam Fusion webcam.
Everytime I reboot I have to use this command 
"luvcview -d /dev/video0 -f jpg -s 352x288"
and set gamma down, then set gamma up (from 220 to 100 to 220: the image 
starts dark, to up the gamma I first have to set it to 100 and then back to 
220, then the image is ok)
and saturation up from 32 to 40 for better color
and anti-flicker to 50 Hz (no difference)
and also auto-exposure to 1 and auto-white balance to 1.

After exiting luvcview I open Ekiga and "display images from my camera 
device": I see the same image quality that I've set in luvcview.
Only after that Ekiga can be used for video-conferencing.

If I forget to first "display images from my camera device" and try an echo 
test to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I get no video output from my webcam and I'm no 
able to get video from my webcam: 
luvcview then prints this out:
"Video driver: x11
A window manager is available
video /dev/video0
Unable to set format: 5.
 Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal"
Only solution I know to get back my video is to reboot the entire system 
(annoying, so MS Win 3.1.). Anybody who knows how to get that v4l2 driver 
working again without rebooting?

It would be nice if Ekiga knows to store these video settings for my webcam 
and use them when video is required. Setting the video settings myself with 
luvcview gets tiresome.
(But I don't know if Ekiga knows how to deal with that strange gamma 
behaviour: first gamma down to 100 then gamma up to 220).

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