Hi all,

I have started playing around with Asterisk recently. I got very 
confused when I couldn't get it to respond to DTMF tones from my Ekiga 
client. I tried loads of configuration settings on Asterisk and upgraded 
to their latest version 1-4.12. Same problem.

I installed Twinkle and OpenWengo as alternatives to test, and they both 
worked first time! Asterisk correctly interprets the tones sent from my 

How can I help to identify and fix the problem here? My client end PC is 
Ubuntu 7.04 and the Ekiga version is from the standard Ubuntu Feisty 
repo: 2.0.3.

The sound quality and echo cancellation of Ekiga is far better than 
Twinkle and somewhat better than OpenWengo so I'd really like to 
continue using Ekiga if possible.



The way out is open!
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