Le lundi 12 janvier 2009 à 00:19 +0100, Luis Davila a écrit :
> hi, I compiled ekiga 3.1.0 with success in my Kubuntu 8.10 box (after a lot 
> of 
> dependencies but all was ok).  I had somes bugs, when i wont clean the call's 
> history, ekiga was directly closed.  After somes test all was ok, but after a 

Julien fixed that recently.

> reboot and re-start ekiga, I needed re-enter all my information in the wizard 
> configuration (like the first time) but was only once, now it's ok.  

Probably a gconf bug.

> and about the video codecs, by defaut there are only the H261 codec and 
> even --enable-theora compile option i don't have this codec, how can I enable 
> this codec?  and the others ones? 

You need libtheora-dev, libavcoded-dev and so on installed. Check the
output of configure to know if the plugins will be compiled or not.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_   Be IP           : http://www.beip.be/
       FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsand...@ekiga.net

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