On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 08:46:21 +0200
"Tony Moody" <a...@aptech.co.za> wrote:

> 'Morning All,
> Ghost calls from 1000 and 1002

Had similar issue.
> Could it be a 'Callback' from a test a few days ago? 

That's what I thought, but it is not. 
> In the past few days I have received a few calls from first
> sip:1000@1xx.1.1xx.2x and then sip:1002@1xx.1.1xx.2x . The url here
> is in fact from my service supplier and is actually my own url . I'm
> not sure how dangerous it would be to disclose to the world so I have
> obfuscated it (lovely word).

Sounds familiar.
I posted here and i was told call blocking will be added as a feature
in next version of Ekiga.

Cheers, Saul
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