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Riba bukan berarti bunga uang (interest) saja, tapi juga menyangkut
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Dubai debt woes give Islamic finance its first big crisis


(11 December 2009)

Dubai World’s plan to delay repaying a huge Islamic bond issue may damage
the image of sharia finance, not due to inherent problems but rather because
investors have ignored key questions, analysts say.

“In many ways, this has been an extraordinary crisis, but it is the first
for the embryonic sukuk industry,” said Khalid Howladar of Moody’s Investors

Another expert, Professor Habib Ahmed of Durham University, said the crisis
points to the need for a better understanding of the rules applying to

“This case is a wake-up call for Islamic finance to focus more on ethical
and moral issues that it has been ignoring for so long,” Ahmed told AFP.

A widespread view among economists is that fears about the rights of the
Dubai World bondholders relate at least as much to a lack of clarity in the
Dubai legal system as they do to the rules of Islamic finance.

In addition, much of Dubai’s spending has gone on speculative construction
projects and the 50 percent fall in property prices in the emirate means all
real estate-related finance deals face a problem whether using Islamic or
Western rules, they say.

Islamic sharia rules forbid usury, so anyone lending money is barred from
charging interest. Instead, investors are granted a share of the assets and
in the case of a property developer, the issuer of a sukuk will typically
pay a rent until refunding the loan when it matures.

Dubai World’s property unit Nakheel, developer of Dubai’s iconic Palm
Jumeirah artificial island resort, is scheduled to repay a 3.5 billion
dollars sukuk on December 14, so it is the first subsidiary affected by the
group’s request last week for a six-months halt to debt repayments.

“The maturity date of the sukuk was December 14, 2009 when Nakheel was
supposed to pay the last rental coupon and buy back the assets, but instead
declared its inability to perform,” said Ahmed, chair in Islamic law and
finance at Durham’s Institute of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies.

Theoretically at least, Islamic laws on financial transactions have some
inherent features that induce stability, he said.

“The ban on interest and other rules would prevent Islamic investors
investing in certain instruments such as conventional bonds and
derivatives,” which caused last year’s global credit crunch, Ahmed said.

“Until now, Islamic economists have been saying that Islamic finance was not
affected directly by the subprime problems. The Nakheel problem shows that
Islamic finance can have similar problems if wrong investments are made,” he

One reason for this is that many sukuk are structured to resemble
conventional bonds, meaning the risks of ownership are transferred to the
issuer rather than shared by the investors, the professor said.

“This is one of the criticisms of Islamic products: instead of coming up
with products that reflect the spirit and substance of Islamic law, they are
structured very similar to conventional products,” Ahmed said.

A source who asked to remain anonymous because his company has extensive
dealings in the region said credit ratings agencies have valued Islamic debt
on the creditworthiness of the issuer rather than the assets because of
doubts over investors’ claim to the assets.

“Noone has confidence in sukuk investors to foreclose on the assets” they
have lent money on in Dubai and several countries using sharia rules,
because the legal system in those countries is “underdeveloped,” he said.

The Dubai International Financial Centre, a business district which opened
in 2004 with the aim of making the emirate a world-class financial hub, uses
English law within its perimeter because of the lack of precision in sharia
law, the source told AFP. Moody’s Howladar agreed with Ahmed that many
sukuks are too similar to convention finance for their own good.

“The desire for Middle Eastern corporate credit exposure and unsecured debt
has created sukuk instruments that, in substance, attempt to be identical to
conventional bonds,” he said in a study released this week.

Restructurings such as Dubai World’s are common in mature markets, but the
“immature and opaque nature” of Dubai’s law system and the lack of precedent
“give little comfort to investors spread across the world,” he said.

“Given the sheer scale and complexity of Dubai World, this event will be an
important test of investors’ rights. If some sukuk are not found to be
equivalent to conventional bonds in a default or restructuring, it will have
a significant effect on the shape of the sukuk market to come,” Howladar

Neil Mackinnon of London’s VTB Capital said: “I am not sure that Dubai
damages Islamic finance. Most of Dubai’s problems reflect the wider problems
associated with the credit crisis which is excessive lending for property ie
not much different from what we have seen in the US and UK.
“Cheap money, leverage and expectations of ever-rising property prices
generate ’hot money inflows’ which ultimately reverse in spectacular fashion
when the bubble bursts. So in my view this is a classic case of Western
financial capitalism creating a property bubble and ultimate bust,” he said.
-- AFP

Al Baqarah 2:275

Orang-orang yang makan (mengambil) *riba* tidak dapat berdiri
melainkan *seperti
berdirinya orang yang kemasukan syaitan* lantaran (tekanan) *penyakit gila*.
Keadaan mereka yang demikian itu, adalah disebabkan mereka berkata
(berpendapat), sesungguhnya jual beli itu sama dengan *riba*, padahal Allah
telah menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan *riba*. Orang-orang yang telah
sampai kepadanya larangan dari Tuhannya, lalu terus berhenti (dari mengambil
*riba*), maka baginya apa yang telah diambilnya dahulu (sebelum datang
larangan); dan urusannya (terserah) kepada Allah. Orang yang mengulangi
(mengambil *riba*), maka orang itu adalah penghuni-penghuni neraka; mereka
kekal di dalamnya.

Al Baqarah 2:276

Allah memusnahkan *riba* dan menyuburkan sedekah. Dan Allah tidak menyukai
setiap orang yang tetap dalam kekafiran, dan selalu berbuat dosa.

Al Baqarah 2:277

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman, mengerjakan amal saleh, mendirikan
sembahyang dan menunaikan zakat, mereka mendapat pahala di sisi Tuhannya.
Tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih

Al Baqarah 2:278

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan tinggalkan sisa *
riba* (yang belum dipungut) jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.

Al Baqarah 2:279

Maka jika kamu tidak mengerjakan (meninggalkan sisa *riba*), maka
ketahuilah, bahwa Allah dan Rasul-Nya akan memerangimu. Dan jika kamu
bertaubat (dari pengambilan *riba*), maka bagimu pokok hartamu; kamu tidak
menganiaya dan tidak (pula) dianiaya.

Al Baqarah 2:280

Dan jika (orang berhutang itu) dalam kesukaran, maka berilah tangguh sampai
dia berkelapangan. Dan menyedekahkan (sebagian atau semua utang) itu, lebih
baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui.

Al Baqarah 2:281

Dan peliharalah dirimu dari (azab yang terjadi pada) hari yang pada waktu
itu kamu semua dikembalikan kepada Allah. Kemudian masing-masing diri diberi
balasan yang sempurna terhadap apa yang telah dikerjakannya, sedang mereka
sedikitpun tidak dianiaya (dirugikan).

Ali Imran 3:130

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu memakan *riba* dengan berlipat
ganda dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan.

Ali Imran 3:131

Dan peliharalah dirimu dari api neraka, yang disediakan untuk orang-orang
yang kafir.

An Nisaa’ 4:160

Maka disebabkan kezaliman orang-orang Yahudi, Kami haramkan atas mereka
(memakan makanan) yang baik-baik (yang dahulunya) dihalalkan bagi mereka,
dan karena mereka banyak menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah,

An Nisaa’ 4:161

dan disebabkan mereka memakan *riba*, padahal sesungguhnya mereka telah
dilarang daripadanya, dan karena mereka memakan harta orang dengan jalan
yang batil. Kami telah menyediakan untuk orang-orang yang kafir di antara
mereka itu siksa yang pedih.

Ar Ruum 30:37

Dan apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan bahwa sesungguhnya Allah melapangkan
rezeki bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan Dia (pula) yang menyempitkan
(rezeki itu). Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat
tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang beriman.

Ar Ruum 30:38

Maka berikanlah kepada kerabat yang terdekat akan haknya, demikian (pula)
kepada fakir miskin dan orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan. Itulah yang lebih
baik bagi orang-orang yang mencari keridhaan Allah; dan mereka itulah
orang-orang beruntung.

Ar Ruum 30:39

Dan sesuatu *riba* (tambahan) yang kamu berikan agar dia bertambah pada
harta manusia, maka *riba* itu tidak menambah pada sisi Allah. Dan apa yang
kamu berikan berupa zakat yang kamu maksudkan untuk mencapai keridhaan
Allah, maka (yang berbuat demikian) itulah orang-orang yang melipat gandakan

Ar Ruum 30:40

Allah-lah yang menciptakan kamu, kemudian memberimu rezeki, kemudian
mematikanmu, kemudian menghidupkanmu (kembali). Adakah di antara yang kamu
sekutukan dengan Allah itu yang dapat berbuat sesuatu dari yang demikian
itu? Maha Sucilah Dia dan Maha Tinggi dari apa yang mereka persekutukan.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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