Hello friends,

I had installed the Ekushey fonts earlier through a separate method in Hardy. 

But I found that the ekushey fonts are not compatible with OpenOffice as 
unwanted symbols come when one types Bangla with these fonts. I am not an 
expert about fonts and font rendering (I am simply a Linux user) so I am not 
clear about the problem. 

On the contrary the Ekushey fonts are compatible with MS Office. I can type 
Bangla at ease in MS Office with these fonts. 

It would be really great if you have some workaround to make these beautiful 
fonts work in OpenOffice in Linux.

Thanks and best wishes.

Raj Sarkar

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 Russell John wrote :
>I've been using the Unicode based Bengali fonts of Ekushey [1] for a
>long time, specially SolaimanLipi which I use almost everywhere.  To
>make these fine fonts easily available on Ubuntu, I've made a package
>of all of them called ttf-ekushey.  Users of Ubuntu derivatives such as
>Linux Mint [2] can use this package too.
>Font list:
>   1. SolaimanLipi
>   2. Rupali
>   3. Ekushey Lohit
>   4. Ekushey Sharifa
>   5. Ekushey Punarbhaba
>   6. Ekushey Sumit
>   7. Ekushey Durga
>   8. Ekushey Saraswati
>   9. Ekushey Puja
>  10. Ekushey Azad
>  11. Ekushey Godhuli
>  12. Ekushey Mohua
>To install this package, you can either download the binary file from:
>http://tinyurl.com/5rxv76 (MD5: a6cbc1dae63c1cf62c1ff4ef4ab73068), or
>install it via apt-get or your graphical package manager.  This method
>is recommended, as you'll get notification when an update is
>available.  Here's how to do it via apt-get:
>1. Open the apt sources.list file from the run command dialogue box (ALT+F2):
>       gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  (Ubuntu)
>       gksudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list  (Kubuntu)
>       gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list  (Xubuntu)
>2. Add the following line on the bottom of the file:
>       deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bd/ubuntu intrepid main
>3. Open a shell window and type:
>       sudo apt-get update
>4. When the update is completed, type:
>       sudo apt-get install ttf-ekushey
>When you see the warning message "The following packages cannot be
>authenticated!", press y to continue.
>5. Done, now you can use the Ekushey fonts on your system!
>I'll try to get this package into the Ubuntu repository, and possibly
>into the Debian repository as well.
>Hope this is helpful to you guys!
>[1] http://ekushey.org/?page/otf_bangla_fonts
>[2] http://www.linuxmint.com
>Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change to
>take effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]

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