*COSN celebrated the release of Ubuntu 8.04*
A discussion on the topic "FOSS- Bangladesh Perspective" marked the Ubuntu 8.04 launching programme in Chittagong. Chittagong Open Source Network, a network of BdOSN organized the party at a City restaurant, Kentuky on 20th, June 2008. The party was attended by the guest of honour Dr Muhammad Safiullah, Gulam Rabiul Islam and Shanawaz Islam of IIUC, Fouzia Ashraf Moushumi of Chittagong University, SAM Harun and Akramul Haidar from Software industries. In their speeches, the guests gave emphasis on using and developing Open Source Software in Bangladesh to protect the freedom of software. They urged the academia and industry to develop our own technology to protect the future of the country. In the beginning, Mr. Arafatur Rahman of COSN welcomed all in the programme while Subrun Jamil conducted the party. The guests unpacked the Ubuntu 8.04. All participants received a copy of Ubuntu and a hard copy of Mukto Barta. The next Ubuntu release party will be held in NUST on 22nd June. --by COSN Press Release -- |=============| Regards, Abu Mohammad Omar Shehab Uddin Ayub (আবু মোহাম্মদ ওমর শেহাবউদ্দীন আইয়ুব) Software Engineer, Nilavo Technologies, Banani, Dhaka Bangladesh Open Source Network, Dhaka 2000 batch, Dept. of CSE, SUST www.nilavo.com www.bdosn.org www.sust.edu