I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10? 
I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
2 says: "Upload them into
but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
it looks in my localhost: 
sa...@sraboni:/opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/modules$ ls
aggregator  book     drupal  legacy  path     search      throttle 
block       color    filter  locale  ping     statistics  tracker
blog        comment  forum   menu    poll     system      upload
blogapi     contact  help    node    profile  taxonomy    user

Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
5.10  uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this

Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance!


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