K9YC wrote:
>Our 100 watt 3A (K9OR) made 1039 Q's on 40 meters alone.

        You may have missed the point Jim.  100 watts is 13 dB stronger
than 5 watts.  If most QRP stations like myself found that CQ-ing
was simply not effective and did S&P only, the universe of stations
to work is FAR less.  I suspect most stations CQ-ing were 100 watts.
Also many guys choose to mainly do S&P independent of power.  If you
cannot effectively CQ, you are going to miss both the QRP guys who
are S&P only as well as the 100 watt guys who choose not to CQ.  You
can never do well in any contest (except for the NCJ Sprints) unless
you can maintain effective rates CQ-ing.

        I thought I might be able to CQ on the higher bands well up
in the band and out of the way of stronger signals, but that simply
would not work on any band for me, even though I tried many times.
Such is life with QRP and wire antennas I suspect.  As I said
before, it was a good lesson in humility but I'm not sure I want
to repeat it again!  I think I learned this lesson once before in
the Stew Perry Topband Challenge but had forgotten it.

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  Anyone have any comments on my K2 questions?  QSK thumping,
power meter inconsistencies or memory keying timing?

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