
Actually there is no real connection between hearing the same pitch when
switching between LSB and USB and proper filter alignment like there is with
CW and CWr.

The SSB passband will pass a wide range of tones even if the passband is
severely mis-aligned.  The only observation one can make by switching
between USB and LSB is to verify that the displayed frequency is really the
frequency that the display indicates - and that will only be valid after the
alignment is complete.

The way to set things up properly is to use a wideband noise generator and
Spectrogram to set the filter/BFO relationships.  Then fine tune the
reference oscillator (I prefer the N6KR method - which is now documented on
the Elecraft website, and is now called the "K2 C22 Adjust App Note"), run
CAL PLL to set the VFO and then walk through all BFO settings in CAL FIL
changing them up one notch then back down which forces the K2 to re-write
the BFO values into the EEPROM.  The BFO values must be re-written whenever
the reference oscillator setting is changed to produce a good dial
calibration reading.

After you have done that you can tune in WWV and verify that you are on the
correct frequency by switching from LSB to USB listening for the same tone
(the tone that they are transmitting - not a tone produced by a beat with
the carrier).

For more detailed information on the entire dial calibration procedure, see
the article on my website www.qsl.net/w3fpr.


----- Original Message ----- 
> 3) Constant pitch as you switch between USB/LSB on an accurately tuned AM
> signal like WWV and constant pitch as you switch between CW and CW-Reverse
> on an accurately tuned CW signal.
>   Is it difficult to satisfy number 3 if you tune the filters with
> Spectrogram based on number 1? Has anyone come up with a reliable
> methodology for doing this, or is it just something that you pretty much
> play with until you are satisfied?
>   Thanks, Michael N9BDF
>           K2 #4137

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