George / W5YR" wrote:

> The + output terminal of the VS-35M Astron supply goes to the anode of a
> high-current diode 

Hi George,

I assume that the Astron output voltage is about 13.8 vdc.  Assuming a 0.7 vdc 
voltage drop across the diode, your deep discharge battery sees about 13.1 vdc. 

Is that enough to maintain long term battery charge, or enough to fully 
re-charge the battery following a long period of operation on the battery?

I also use a deep discharge battery for backup power.  I charge it with a 
regular battery charger that can raise the voltage high enough during charge to 
reach TVG (total voltage for gassing).  End-of-charge voltage with the charger 
still on tends to run above 16 vdc.  On USN submarines, we would charge our 
main batteries until we got individual cell voltages in the range of 2.7 to 2.8 
volts per cell.  Deep discharge batteries also like periodic full discharges 
followed by a vigourous equalizing charge.  Most commonly available automobile 
parts store chargers are not really designed to deliver a proper equalizing 

On camping trips at a fixed site, a deep discharge battery is my primary power 
source (radios, lights) for days at a time, even when I'm QRO with my TS-50S.  
Every ham should consider keeping a 85 Amp-Hr (or greater) deep discharge 
battery around for power outages.  It beats powering up a gasoline-fueled 

Mike / KK5F
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