I have been trying to post to this list for about a month.  Each time,
my message has bounced.  Each time, the "error message" said that the
list doesn't allow messages with attachments.  Thing is, I never had an
attachment on any of the messages.

If this message makes it, it means that the problem was something
entirely different: I was sending messages in HTML format (as I usually
do) and they were being rejected because of the HTML format, not because
they had attachments.  I don't see any reference to requiring messages
to be in plain text format in the web material regarding this list.
(Maybe I missed it.)  If it isn't there, it should be.  If it's there,
perhaps it should be more prominent.

I just completed KX1 #742, with the 30M module, key paddles, and
automatic tuner.  I had a great experience.  It was my first kit
building experience in over 30 years (except for a ZM-2 tuner...not
exactly a major project).  My hat is off to the folks at Elecraft for
their great design, and for clear, concise instructions.  Everything
worked the first time.

I purchased a Hakko 936 soldering station, mainly because of this
project.  (Was the KX1 just an excuse?  I'll never tell my wife...)  It
was money well spent, and I recommend it.

There was a thread on this list a while ago about taking ham equipment
through airport security.  I have some experiences I may share on future
postings, if this posting makes it......

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
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