Hi Folks:

For those few who might be interested, please note that ALL of my Amateur Radio-related files (from both http://home/earthlink.net/~n0ss and from http://www.qsl.net/n0ss) have been MOVED to:


This new site allows me much more server space AND you can download files at a much higher rate as well.

If you have either of my old web sites committed to FAVORITES, please remove them and add this new link.

If you visit my new site and find ANYTHING missing or in error, please report it to me a.s.a.p. I've tried to ensure that everything is up to snuff, but (as usual) I've probably missed something. Won't find it until you tell me about it. <G>

If you happen to be looking for my XYL Jeri's on-line cookbook, it's still at http://home/earthlink.net/~n0ss, at the bottom of the page.


Tom Hammond    N0SS

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