Partial repeat of Marinos Markomanolakis, M.D. 2 Jan/05

> For a receiver of the K2 caliber, I believe, it is worth every penny and
> construction effort, even if it means incorporating a "pre-made" surface
> mount module for the NB in order to improve on the NB area which seems to
> suboptimal.
> For example an "expensive and/or difficult to build" but optimized NB
> will be FAR more desirable and effective feature in a real world Rx
> performance improvement rather than a similar DSP module that is already
> available from Elecraft.
> These are my $.02 opinion about the NB, which may be the only area that
> needs some improvement in a radio that has no equal in the market today.
> can definitely make a difference for people wanting to have a K2 as their
> only/main rig in a urban most of us live.
> 73,
> Marinos, ki4gin

Excellent Marinos. Thats what I wanted to say! I am using my K2 as my main
rig due to it's excellent features except when I must switch due to city
noise. I do, of course, have a variable gain preamp that I built for my
80/160 phased loops  that in turn feeds my K2 so I have plenty of rf  at the
blanker input.and the scope confirms it. There is nothing wrong with the
blanking pulse widths. This low level city hash is simply not triggering the
blanking mv due to other blanker problems.
With my old Kenwood TS-140S and other rigs I typically see a 3 S unit drop
in a S4 city noise floor and the weak ones jump out of it. We 160m noise
eaters would buy a good RF noise blanker even if the box was  twice the size
of the K2.                                  Aloha, Bryce, kh6at
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