Hi Larry,

OP1 is the KSB2's SSB fixed b/w filter, which has been optimized for minimum ripple at one SSB b/w. In SSB it is always used for transmit, but it or any of the CW filter bandwidths can be used for receive. Looks like you are using one of the CW settings at 1800 Hz..

Any of the variable CW filter settings (1800 Hz etc.) use the varactor tuned CW filter on the motherboard. This variable CW filter is really optimized for user settings below 700 Hz. (You can chose what b/w to use in each of the four filter memories for each mode..) Wider CW filter settings will have more ripple and poorer out of filter rejection. We allowed the variable CW filter to be set wider to facilitate quickly tuning the band in CW mode and for simple SSB reception in K2s that do not have the SSB adapter. We recommend using the OP1 filter for most SSB reception.

One interesting side note: The SSB OP1 filter can be used with different BFO settings in each of the four SSB filter memory settings, creating low and high cut settings. See the filter calibration section of the K2 and KSB2 manuals for information on setting up the filters.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

Larry Phipps wrote:

You may have just sold me on a KDSP2 down the road Eric. I just ran some tests on my "new used" K2 (#568), and to cut to the chase... I measured ultimate rejection out 5 kHz as 80dB with the KSB2 OP1 filter in, better than you indicated. But with FL2, which is set for 1.8 kHz, I measured 115dB. Is this a result of the KSB2 being outboard?

Larry N8LP

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft wrote:

We designed the KDSP2 to improve ultimate SSB filter ultimate rejection in the K2.

The KDSP2, with its brick wall SSB filter settings, when cascaded after the KSB2 filter, totally eliminates any residual leakage from strong signals outside the passband.
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