May I suggest that we try to make the EQP contest unique among current contests by attempting to give actual (meaningful) signal reports. Because of the association of this content with QRP, the wholesale use of 5nn seems really quite out of place. It will also be good practice to those who haven't fully come to grips with the proper use of RST reports to learn to make snap judgments about a proper report. Those snap judgments are usually pretty good, often better than ones that get deeper consideration.

And if you are looking to find a way to make up for the little bit of time it takes to give an honest report, consider adopting, in place of sending "K2 nr 4321" or "K1 nr 548" simply 2/4321 or 1/548.

Looking forward to getting some new s/n's, (there aren't any more states)

dave belsley, w1euy, 2/744
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