Hi All,
Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes  
fine.  My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the  
manual was prepared.  The only construction question I have is why we are  
instructed to wait until the board is full of parts before we do the parts on  
bottom side of the board.  Seems like it would have been easier to  mount these 
first, still solder them from the bottom side, but then clip the  leads flush 
on the top side.  But I'm sure there's a good reason for  doing it otherwise. 
 The T1 is going to be a very handy piece of gear.  Thanks to  Wayne and Eric 
for another winner.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate the day.
Dave W7AQK 
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