Very nice. Thanks for the URL, Bob.
I haven't been back to K2USA since 1985. I understand that since then the
rhombic has been let go to seed. The poles are overgrown with vines and I
believe some of the wires are broken. What a shame. It was a highlight of my
ham life to use that thing. I didn't need to use the 30L1 with it, but, I'm
sorry, when you got it you flaunt it. hi.


Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] elfwa revisited

In a message dated 27/03/05 18:21:39 GMT Daylight Time,

But the most impressive and very well known antenna at K2USA was a rhombic,
one of the few amateur band rhombics in existence. 

1981 to 1985 I lived in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and was a member of the HZ1AB
club. We had a 20m rhombic pointed right back at K2USA that was shared with
the US military. The performance of this was phenomenal, far better than the
KLM KT34 that was up on the tower. I used to switch of the linear amp when
operating with the rhombic and use the Collins KWM2 or the TS-430 we had at
the time barefoot, otherwise we attracted far too many callers making copy
difficult. I was moved across the country in 1985 to a new job on the Red
Sea coast at Yanbu, over 1000km away and lost touch with the club. Last I
heard in September 2004 was that the HZ1AB licence has now been reassigned
to a Saudi national and the club station closed down. There are pictures of
the HZ1AB rhombic on the HZ1AB website when the station was moved from the
old Dhahran airport into Dhahran airbase:
The old rhombic was on 40 ft wooden power poles across the car park in front
of the old Dhahran airport domestic terminal entrance. Looks something like
110ft wooden poles were used at the new location in the airbase.
Bob, G3VVT
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