Freshly built K1-4 #1994 (bought it 1.5 months ago).  Bought the K1, K2
and KX1, and decided the KX1 best fits my needs (except for QRO QRQ
CW... so I'm not letting the K2 go just yet...!)

I'm offering my K1 configured as follows:

K1-4 #1994 (current) built for 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters
KFL1-2 (2-band board) for 80 and 40 meters
KAT1 internal automatic antenna tuner
KNB1 noise blanker
KBT1 internal battery kit

The KFL1-2 and KBT1 are unbuilt, everything else is installed, aligned
and working.  I took great care in the build, and it's very clean (my
degree is EE, and I've built Elecrafts before).  It's built for the
tighter (80 kHz) tuning range as I opted for higher Q.

Price is $500 shipped -- less than an identical K1 from Elecraft, and
I've also donated the K1/KAT1/KNB1 build.

--Andrew, NV1B

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  • [Elecraft] No. 4856 Gottlieb, Jonathan
    • [Elecraft] FS: New K1-4 with KAT1, KNB1, KBT1, KFL... Andrew Moore

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