> I'm needing to install an antenna in my new home. An attic loop is a 
> necessity ... can't run an outside wire easily.
> I'm assuming that an 88-ft loop will be non-resonant in all bands 80-10, 
> and fed with ladder line to the tuner should work.
> Other suggestions?


A small, closed loop operated below resonance will have a very
low feedpoint impedance.  While it will radiate virtually all the RF
it is fed, its low impedance might be tough to efficiently match to a
50-ohm unbalanced transceiver.

So, instead of making just a single turn loop, how about making a two
(or more) turn loop, instead?  This would bring the natural resonant
frequency of the antenna significantly below that of a single turn loop.

If planned out correctly, you might be able to find the ideal dimensions
of a multi-turn loop that will provide self-resonance on the low end of
80-meters.  Anything above that in frequency should be easy to match
as others have already mentioned.

Just a thought...

Good luck!

73, de John, KD2BD

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