Mike Morrow wrote:

> My favorite straight key isn't any of the many military keys I have.
> It is the commercial Nye Viking Model 330-001 Master Key

I would have agreed, and loved mine, until I bid $75 for a Bencher
paddle and a "CT Deluxe Hand Key", S/N 028 (2001) pair at our local
club's ham auction.  I didn't need the Bencher, but a friend did and
offered me $50 for it.

The (now) $25 straight key is hand crafted, with a bright chrome base,
beautiful gleaming brass parts, and is super stable.  I can adjust it to
a gnat's eybrow, and I really do use it, even in contests sometimes when
I need to send something that isn't programmed into TR.  It's both the
first and last one I've ever seen, and I love it.  I can't attach a pix,
but if any collectors would like a pix, let me know off reflector and
I'll send you one.  I wish I knew who made it.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

PS: Volume of responses for the "Handedness Survey" are exceeding my
expectations.  Summary of results next Tue.

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